Source code for extorch.nn.functional

from typing import List

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import Tensor
import torch.nn as nn

from extorch.utils import expect

[docs]def mix_data(input: Tensor, target: Tensor, alpha: float = 1.0): r""" Mixup data for training neural networks on convex combinations of pairs of examples and their labels (`Link`_). Args: input (Tensor): Input examples. target (Tensor): Labels of input examples. alpha (float): Parameter of the beta distribution. Default: 1.0. Returns: mixed_input (Tensor): Input examples after mixup. mixed_target (Tensor): Labels of mixed inputs. _lambda (float): Parameter sampled from the beta distribution. .. _Link: """ _lambda = np.random.beta(alpha, alpha) if alpha > 0. else 1. index = torch.randperm(len(target)).to(input.device) mixed_input = _lambda * input + (1 - _lambda) * input[index, :] mixed_target = target[index] return mixed_input, mixed_target, _lambda
[docs]def average_logits(logits_list: List[Tensor]) -> Tensor: r""" Aggregates logits from different networks in the average manner, and returns the aggregated logits. Used for neural ensemble networks. Args: logits_list (List[Tensor]): A list of logits from different networks. Returns: The aggregated logits (Tensor). """ return sum(logtis_list) / len(logits_list)
[docs]def soft_voting(logits_list: List[Tensor]) -> Tensor: r""" Aggregates logits from different sub-networks in the soft-voting manner, and returns the aggregated logits. Used for neural ensemble networks. Args: logits_list (List[Tensor]): A list of logits from different networks. Returns: The aggregated logits (Tensor). """ return sum([nn.functional.softmax(logits, dim = 1) for logits in logits_list]) / len(logits_list)
[docs]def dec_soft_assignment(input: Tensor, centers: Tensor, alpha: float) -> Tensor: r""" Soft assignment used by Deep Embedded Clustering (DEC, `Link`_). Measure the similarity between embedded point and centroid with the Student’s t-distribution. Args: input (Tensor): A batch of embedded points. FloatTensor of [batch size, embedding dimension]. centers (Tensor): The cluster centroids. FloatTensor of [cluster_number, embedding dimension]. alpha (float): The degrees of freedom of the Student’s tdistribution. Default: 1.0. Returns: similarity (Tensor): The similarity between embedded point and centroid. FloatTensor [batch size, cluster_number]. Examples:: >>> embeddings = torch.ones((2, 10)) >>> centers = torch.zeros((3, 10)) >>> similarity = dec_soft_assignment(embeddings, centers, alpha = 1.) .. _Link: """ norm_squared = torch.sum((input.unsqueeze(1) - centers) ** 2, 2) numerator = 1.0 / (1.0 + norm_squared / alpha) numerator = numerator ** ((alpha + 1.) / 2) return numerator / torch.sum(numerator, dim = 1, keepdim = True)