Source code for extorch.nn.init

import torch.nn as nn

[docs]def normal_(module: nn.Module, conv_mean: float = 0., conv_std: float = 1., bn_mean: float = 0., bn_std: float = 1., linear_mean: float = 0., linear_std: float = 1.) -> None: r""" Initialize the module with values drawn from the normal distribution. Args: module (nn.Module): A pytorch module. conv_mean (float): The mean of the normal distribution for convolution. conv_std (float): The standard deviation of the normal distribution for convolution. bn_mean (float): The mean of the normal distribution for batch-normalization. bn_std (float): The standard deviation of the normal distribution for batch-normalization. linear_mean (float): The mean of the normal distribution for linear layers. bn_std (float): The standard deviation of the normal distribution linear layers. Examples:: >>> import torch.nn as nn >>> module = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(5, 10, 3), nn.BatchNorm2d(10), nn.ReLU() ) >>> module.apply(normal_) """ classname = module.__class__.__name__ if classname.find("Conv") != -1: nn.init.normal_(module.weight, conv_mean, conv_std) elif classname.find("BatchNorm") != -1: nn.init.normal_(module.weight, bn_mean, bn_std) nn.init.zeros_(module.bias) elif classname.find("Linear") != -1: nn.init.normal_(module.weight, linear_mean, linear_std) nn.init.zeros_(module.bias)